Open edX DevStack Installation with Olive Release


Are you tired of struggling with Open edX DevStack installation with Olive Release? You are in the right place. Here we will discuss the Open edX DevStack Installation complete process step-by-step to make it easy and understandable. Open edX DevStack Installation with Olive can elevate your learning experience to the next level.

How to Install Olive in Open edX DevStack

To install the Olive release in your Open edX DevStack, you need to follow the given steps to successfully install without any issues. Let’s start a step-by-step installation process with prerequisites or additional requirements.


Install the given pre-requisition before installing Olive Release Open edX

1. Install Make

$ sudo apt install make -y

2. Install Python Version 3.8

To install the Olive release on your system without any issues, it is essential to have Python version 3.8 installed. Use the following command to install it:

$ sudo apt install python3.8 -y

3. Latest Version of Docker

Install Docker on your system using the following commands:

  • Use the given command to remove Docker files that running into the system:

    $ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine -y

  • Verify if the system is up-to-date with the given command

    $ sudo apt-get update

  • Execute the given command to install Docker

    $ sudo apt install -y

  • Install Dependency Packages

    $ sudo snap install docker -y

  • Check the version of Docker before testing

    $ docker --version

This project requires Docker 17.06+ CE. We recommend Docker Stable, but Docker Edge should work as well.


Changing from Docker Stable to Docker Edge will remove all images and settings. Restore your memory settings before installing the new versions and be prepared for provision. For MacOS users, Use Docker for Mac. Docker for Windows may work but it has not been tested or supported. Let’s start the installation with the first step.

Step-by-Step Installation of Open edX DevStack Olive Release

1. Make edx directory

Create a Make edX Directory using mkdir openedx_olive Command on the Terminal.

$ mkdir openedx_olive

2. Go to that Directory

To access the directory use the Terminal command cd openedx_olive.

$ cd openedx_olive

3. Clone Devstack Directory

Clone the DevStack Directory with the command git clone. Open and search for olive.master.

Select open-release/olive.master, next screenshot will show the complete package for Open edX DevStack Olive Installation.


Click the given Code button, in the local section, you will show the link in HTTPS, copy that link, and clone the link using the command.

$ git clone

Press Enter to show the output of the clone GitHub link.


4. Checkout in Open-Release for Olive Master

To inspect the configuration of the olive master setup, enter the command "git checkout open-release/olive.master" in the DevStack directory.

$ git checkout open-release/olive.master


You can use the "git status" command to verify the current status of your files and determine whether they are up to date with the repository or not.

$ git status

By displaying any modifications or changes made to the files since the last commit, "git status" provides you with an overview of the state of the repository, including which files need to be committed or pushed to keep them synchronized with the latest changes.

5. Export to Olive Master

Once the olive master setup is finished, you can export it using the command

$ export OPENEDX_RELEASE=olive.master


6. Install Requirements of olive.master

To install all the necessary components for the Olive release on Ubuntu, enter the command "make requirements" in the terminal.

$ make requirements


7. Clone https: make dev.clone.https

To clone the DevStack directory to the root of your system and view the corresponding result, execute the command "make dev.clone.https" in the terminal. You will get the result as the image shows.


When the system tries to execute the dev.clone.https command it generates an error like,

Fatal: Remote branch open-release/olive.master not found in upstream origin
Make[1]: *** [Makefile:167: impl-dev.clone.https] Error 128
Make[1]: Leaving directory ‘home/codetrade/openedx_olive/devstack’
Would you like to assist devstack development by sending anonymous usage metrics to edx? Run ‘make metrics-opt-in’ to learn more!
Make: *** [Makefile:170 dev.clone.https] Error 2

To resolve this error, you can use the command "make dev.checkout" to verify all the data in the DevStack directory.

$ make dev.checkout

When we execute the command it will fetch data and branches of open-release/olive.master to discover and check out the complete repository file While running the "dev.clone.https" command, the system will execute the necessary data and directories from the file.

The installation of Open edX DevStack Olive Release paused due to an error caused by the edx-e2e-tests.git file, which prevents access to the necessary data in that file.

The problem with the edx-e2e-tests.git repository file is caused by a failure to execute it correctly. This is because the file owner archived the file data on Jan 27, 2023, and as a result, it has become read-only, meaning that it cannot be modified or updated.


To resolve this issue, you need to follow some simple steps.

  • Remove # ”” file path on the file.

  • Change the directory using the cd .. command to manually add the edx-e2e-tests.git file

  • Add using edx-e2e-tests.git file the command

  • $ git clone

  • Click Enter to execute the command.


These steps will help you to fix the error with ex-e2e-tests.git and proceed with the installation of Olive in Open edX DevStack.

8. Run Provision

Provision is the most important step in installing open edx Olive. This section contains the overall requirements of Olive.master. Access the given command to Run Provision $ make dev.provision

Execute this command in the terminal and it will display the given result. run-provision-command-in-olive-open-edx-installation

With continued execution of the provision command, when it tries to execute provision lms from file, an error will occur.


As proceed with the installation process, provision-lms will encounter an error while trying to fetch discovery data from edxops/discovery:olive.master.

Open edX Olive Image Discovery Error


An error arises when the system attempts to locate discovery images from edxops/discovery:olive.master.

Error: manifest for edxops/discovery:olive.master not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
Make[1]: *** [Makefile:220: impl-dev.provision] Error 1
Make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/codetrade/openedx_olive/devstack’
Would you like to assist devstack development by sending anonymous usage metrics to edx? Run ‘make metrics-opt-in’ to learn more!
make: *** [Makefile:224: dev.provision] Error 2

How to resolve the edxops/discovery error in olive.master

There are 2 ways to resolve this image discovery issue with Olive Release Installation.
Go to the

  • You can use the latest version of the Discovery Directory

    docker pull edxops/discovery:latest

  • Use the old version of Open edX DevStack:Nutmeg

    docker pull edxops/discovery:nutmeg.master


One possible solution to the Image discovery issue is to manually copy the link path and add it to the code. The image below shows an example of the CodeTrade GitLab Portal, where
image: edxops/discovery:${OPENEDX_RELEASE:-latest}

replaced with
image: edxops/discovery:nutmeg.master


When the path has been replaced, the installation process should proceed without any issues.


Once the provision-lms process has been completed, the next step is to proceed with provisioning e-commerce.


During the execution of provision ecommerce in open edx devstack, the system attempts to pull data from the specified path edxops/ecommerce:olive.master. However, this path generates an error indicating that it does not find the path.

Error: Manifest for edxops/ecommerce:olive.master not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

How to resolve ecommerce issues with the installation of Olive Open edX DevStack

When this issue occurs, we have 2 options to resolve this. Go to to check the latest libraries updates of Docker Hub.

  • You can choose the latest updated library path to implement it into your code. Like,

  • You can go with the old version of Open edX DevStack, Nutmeg, and apply Nutmeg libraries to your project. For example,


By using one of these methods, you can choose a suitable library that fulfills your project requirements and integrate it with the system to complete the Olive Installation.


For example, as you can show in the given image, the path
image: edxops/ecommerce:${OPENEDX_RELEASE:-latest}

Replaced with
image: edxops/ecommerce:nutmeg.master

Re-execute the command to execute to get the output as shown in the image.


Once the provisioning of the e-commerce system is completed, the system progresses to the subsequent installation steps, with running migrations for discovery. However, the system encounters an issue during this process.


OSError with no library found called “cairo/cairo2”. The error occurred while the system execute migrations for discovery.

File “edx/app/discovery/venus/discovery/lib/python 3.8/site-packages/cairocffi/”, line 45, in dlopen raise OSError(error_message) #pragma: no cover
OSError: no library called ‘cairo’ was found
no library called ‘libcairo-2’ was found Cannot load library ‘’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load library `libcairo.2.dylib’: libcairo.2.dylib: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cannot load library `libcairo-2.dll’: libcairo-2.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:92: migrate] Error 1
Make[1]: *** [Makefile:220: impl-dev.provision] Error 2
Make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/codetrade/openedx_olive/devstack
Would you like to assist devstack development by sending anonymous usage metrics to edx? Run ‘make metrics-opt-in’ to learn more!
make: ***[Makefile:224: dev.provision] Error 2

Implement the following given process to resolve the OSError issue.

  • Go to Discovery Shell

  • Install - apt-get install pango1.0-tools

  • Run your provision

Installing the pango1.0 tool should effectively resolve the OSError issue and allow you to proceed with the installation process.

The installation process has been paused due to an error caused by the edx-e2e-tests.git file. We remove this from the file to fix the dev.clone.https error. As a result, the system is unable to access edx-e2e-tests.git file services and it generates an error.

To solve this error issue, you should comment on the service file of edx-e2e-tests.git.


Re-execute your provision section to continue the installation process.

9. Run DevStack Up

The installation process has been successfully completed with the above-listed steps. To start the Open edX Olive release service you need to run the following command:
$ make dev.up

The steps listed above are a prerequisite for installing the Olive Release on Open edX. However, it's important to note that the installation process may encounter critical file-related issues, and resolving these issues can make the Olive installation process lengthy and time-consuming.

How to install Hassle Free Olive Release in Open edX DevStack?

To resolve the issues with the installation of Olive Release in Open edX DevStack, CodeTrade Open edX Developers publish code on CodeTrade GitLab Portal that will help you to an easy installation without facing any issues.

To simplify the installation process, you have to follow the steps provided below, which are sufficient to complete the installation.

Quick and Easy Steps to Install Olive Release in Open edX DevStack

1. Make edX Directory
$ mkdir openedx_olive install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-1-1

2. Go To That Directory
$ cd openedx_olive install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-2

3. Clone Devstack Directory

Clone the DevStack Directory with the command git clone. Open

$ git clone install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-3

4. Change the current working Directory using the following command
$ cd olive-devstack/ install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-4

5. Check out open-release/olive.master
$ git checkout open-release/olive.master install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-5

6. Export to olive master
$ export OPENEDX_RELEASE=olive.master install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-6

7. Install requirements
$ make requirements install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-7

8. Clone https
$ make dev.clone.https install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-8

9. Run Provision
$ make dev.provision install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-9

10. Run Dev Up
$ make dev.up install-olive-release-in-open-edx-devstack-step-10

Congratulations, you have successfully installed the olive release in the open edx devstack without facing any issues.


By following the above-defined steps, you can surely successfully install release open edx. However, if you find any kind of difficulties with CodeTrade GitLab, feel free to contact us. Codetrade is a leading Open edX Development service provider and part of the open edx marketplace, offering prompt solutions to any issues you may encounter.

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