8+ AI Tools Every Developer Needs to Build Apps Faster


The development industry has reached new heights with the progress of artificial intelligence. Nowadays, Developers can quickly reshape the development industry with the progress of artificial intelligence. Using AI tools developers can easily automate their repetitive tasks, explore lucrative opportunities, and minimize overall development efforts.

AI tools gain popularity every day as compared to apps without AI features or components. Developers can create cutting-edge apps faster by using AI technology. As a result, the market for AI software development tools makes the development process simple for programmers.

In this article, we’ll explore 8+ AI tools that every developer can utilize to build faster mobile applications. These tools can revolutionize the Mobile app development process. In addition, AI tools can automate complex tasks and leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning development technology to enhance user interface and user experience.

How AI Tools Can Help Developers to Build Better and Faster Mobile Apps

AI tools can play a crucial role in helping developers build better and faster mobile apps. Here are some ways AI tools can assist developers in enhancing their app development process:

  • Accelerate monotonous tasks such as data input and testing that allow developers to focus on essential innovations during the development process.

  • Detect and suggest adjustments for potential errors and enable real-time code modification and minimize the risk of errors and delays for developers.

  • Utilize natural language processing technology to design user-friendly interfaces that enhance the user experience and facilitate easier interaction with applications.

  • Read More: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing: A Powerful Combination
  • Analyze vast amounts of data to uncover trends and forecast the future, empowering developers to make informed decisions that effectively target their audience.

  • Enhance user personalization through machine learning algorithms, prioritize user preferences through customization, and significantly enhance the overall user experience.

Let’s delve into an AI tool that will boost mobile app development efficiency for the developers.

List of AI Tools That Will Boost Mobile App Development Process

1. SpellBox AI

SpellBox AI tool generates necessary code snippets based on simple prompts and makes it a breeze to tackle most intricate programming challenges. If you are a hobbyist, a teacher, or a professional coder, SpellBox is your ultimate coding assistant and it delivers excellent results in seconds.


Key Features of SpellBox AI

  • Generate code based on the prompt or description you provide

  • Provide VS code Extension that integrates with your editor

  • Check and Fix errors and ensures the code quality

  • You can track your coding progress with performance metrics

  • Support multiple programming languages, including C#, Python, JS, CSS, and many more.

2. Codesnippets

Codesnippet is an AI tool designed for developers and powered by ChatGPT. This exceptional code-generation tool significantly boosts developers' productivity by simplifying coding tasks.

With the power of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, the Codesnippet AI tool automatically generates code snippets based on plain language explanations. Codesnippet AI tool developers can streamline their workflow and automate repetitive programming tasks effortlessly.


Key Features of Codesnippets AI

  • Increase the code quality with its refactoring and Debug Feature.

  • Easy integration with developer-friendly tools and platforms.

  • Collaborate with the entire team in development with your code base.

  • Prevent syntax errors and code style violations to ensure high-quality code.

  • Tailored for specific languages and frameworks like Java, Python, C++, and many more.

  • Self-Learn from previous code and suggest code snippets used by developers.

3. IntelliCode AI

IntelliCode by Visual Studio is a coding engine powered by AI that seamlessly fits into your coding routine. It employs machine learning to provide smart suggestions and ideas to developers, making their work more efficient. Additionally, it simplifies the development process by enhancing productivity and offering valuable recommendations.


Key Features of IntelliCode AI

  • Utilize AI technology to offer intelligent and context-aware code suggestions.

  • Detect local changes in code help to identify instances of duplicated code.

  • Provide suggestions to make your search experience easier and more efficient.

  • Perform while typing recognize typical coding tasks and recommend the best quick action.

  • Easy to share codes across multiple contributors to get an advantage from the same intelligent suggestions and recommendations.

4. Tabnine AI

Tabnine is an innovative AI assistant designed to empower developers and enhance their coding experience. By leveraging its advanced features and intuitive interface, Tabnine offers a smarter way to write code, making it a popular choice among millions of developers worldwide.

With Tabnine, developers can save time and elevate their coding capabilities, allowing them to focus on unleashing their creativity and building high-quality software solutions. Whether it's suggesting code completions, providing intelligent code snippets, or offering context-aware predictions, Tabnine is there to assist developers every step of the way, enabling them to code more efficiently and effectively.


Key Features of Tabnine AI

  • Secure your code and protects its privacy

  • Transform natural language descriptions into code

  • Complete an entire function with hints and code snippets without exiting the editor

  • To ensure code quality and maintain consistency and reduce review iterations

  • You can connect your codes to repositories such as GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, and many more.

5. GitHub Copilot AI

GitHub Copilot is indeed an innovative AI coding assistant tool developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It aims to revolutionize the way programmers write code by providing real-time code suggestions and functions directly within the editor. By leveraging the power of OpenAI's Codex, GitHub Copilot offers developers the ability to write code more efficiently and effectively.


Key Features of GitHub Copilot AI

  • Provides real-time code suggestions and completions as developers write code

  • Supports a wide range of programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more.

  • Generate line-by-line code that helps developers bootstrap their code quickly

  • Easy collaboration with programmers in real-time allows effortless sharing of code and project participation.

  • Provide code-based recommendations on the project’s outline and style conventions

  • You can track your project progress including the number of coding suggestions accepted or rejected.

6. AskCodi AI

AskCodi AI Tool is designed to make coding faster and smarter for developers. It seamlessly integrates with popular code editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and more.

It offers extensive support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, PHP, CSS, React, Angular, Vue, and many others. With AskCodi by your side, you can effortlessly prevent errors, acquire new coding skills, and boost your productivity. Say goodbye to coding obstacles and hello to a smoother coding experience!


Key Features of AskCodi AI

  • Provides extensions for your IDEs including VS Code, PyCharm, and many more.

  • Generate code snippets based on natural language descriptions for over 30 programming languages.

  • You can access and share your previous search history and code snippets created with your team collaborators.

  • Review your code for any bugs, performance, and security issues, and provide improvement suggestions.

  • Offer applications for both frontend and backend development.

7. Replit AI

Replit is a versatile and powerful IDE that empowers you to build software with the assistance of AI. It enhances the coding experience by offering flexibility, efficiency, and collaboration. Moreover, you can conveniently code right from your web browser. This platform takes your coding skills to new heights, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer.


Key Features of Replit AI

  • It is equipped with powerful AI capabilities that enhance your development experience

  • With Versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that enables you to code efficiently and effectively.

  • Allow you to adapt and customize your coding environment according to your preferences.

  • Effortlessly collaborate with others and enable real-time collaboration and seamless teamwork.

  • Developers can track changes, manage the codebase and collaborate through Git.

8. Programming Helper AI

Programming Helper is an essential tool for developers. It provides code completion, debugging, and collaboration features. In addition, it caters to various programming languages that make it easier for developers to streamline their coding process.

Key Features of Programming Helper AI

  • Flexible workflow with any programming language.

  • Able to create a class and SWL commands from descriptions in different programming languages.

  • Fix common issues with missing characters, invalid code snippets, and bugs and provide accurate output.

9. Codex AI

Codex AI tool is indeed highly proficient in Python and possesses impressive expertise in various other programming languages. It ranges from code auto-completion to generating complex code snippets. As a result, it can prove valuable in numerous sectors, including the development of popular apps, data science, and artificial intelligence. It can effectively handle languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Swift, TypeScript, and SQL.


Key Features of Codex AI

  • Allow access to use libraries and APIs to enhance the functionality of the code.

  • Capable to add comments on code and enhance the code quality, readability, and accessibility.

  • Analyze code and offer suggestions to optimize execution time and enhance overall performance.

  • Wide range of applications, encompass auto code completion, generate complex code snippets, and other functionalities.

  • Offers contextual suggestions for the next line of code and improves the efficiency of the code.

10. Blackbox AI

Blackbox is an advanced platform that empowers developers to effortlessly create, deploy, and manage machine learning models. Its primary goal is to assist programmers in accelerating their code-writing process. Support over 20 programming languages, the platform generates exceptional code snippets. As a result, developers and even novice users can now effortlessly create remarkable apps and products.

Key Features of Blackbox AI

  • Convert your questions from natural language into codes

  • Support over 20+ programming languages, including Javascript, Python, and many more.

  • Developers can easily discover code snippets to employ the software.

  • Allow developers to extract code from any videos in seconds via the Chrome extension

Wrapping Up

In this blog, we have explored 8+ AI tools that every developer needs to build apps faster. These tools are essential for streamlining the development process, enhancing productivity, and ensuring high-quality code. By incorporating these tools into your workflow, you can save time, increase efficiency, and unlock new possibilities in your coding journey.

Want to build your own AI tool for your business? Contact AI & ML Software Development Company, CodeTrade, and get assured AI & ML development services from the experts.

CodeTrade, a Custom Software Development Company, provides end-to-end SME solutions in USA, Canada, Australia & Middle East. We are a team of experienced and skilled developers proficient in various programming languages and technologies. We specialize in custom software development, web, and mobile application development, and IT services.